11.2.2 Dedekind reals are Cauchy complete
Recall that x:ℕ→ℚ is a Cauchy sequence when it satisfies
∏(ϵ:ℚ+)∑(n:ℕ)∏(m,k≥n)|xm-xk|<ϵ. | (11.2.1) |
Note that we did not truncate the inner existential because we actually want to compute rates of convergence—an approximation without an error estimate carries little useful information. By \autorefthm:ttac, (11.2.1) yields a function M:ℚ+→ℕ, called the modulus of convergence, such that m,k≥M(ϵ) implies |xm-xk|<ϵ. From this we get |xM(δ/2)-xM(ϵ/2)|<δ+ϵ for all ϵ:ℚ+. In fact, the map (ϵ↦xM(ϵ/2)):ℚ+→ℚ carries the same information about the limit as the original Cauchy condition (11.2.1). We shall work with these approximation functions rather than with Cauchy sequences.
Definition 11.2.2.
A Cauchy approximation is a map x:Q+→Rd which satisfies
∀(δ,ϵ:ℚ+).|xδ-xϵ|<δ+ϵ. | (11.2.2) |
The limit of a Cauchy approximation x:Q+→Rd is a number ℓ:Rd such that
∀(ϵ,θ:ℚ+).|xϵ-ℓ|<ϵ+θ. |
Theorem 11.2.4.
Every Cauchy approximation in Rd has a limit.
Note that we are showing existence, not mere existence, of the limit. Given a Cauchy approximation x:ℚ+→ℝ𝖽, define
Ly(q) | :≡∃(ϵ,θ:ℚ+).Lxϵ(q+ϵ+θ), | ||
Uy(q) | :≡∃(ϵ,θ:ℚ+).Uxϵ(q-ϵ-θ). |
It is clear that Ly and Uy are inhabited, rounded, and disjoint. To establish locatedness, consider any q,r:ℚ such that q<r. There is ϵ:ℚ+ such that 5ϵ<r-q. Since q+2ϵ<r-2ϵ merely Lxϵ(q+2ϵ) or Uxϵ(r-2ϵ). In the first case we have Ly(q) and in the second Uy(r).
To show that y is the limit of x, consider any ϵ,θ:ℚ+. Because ℚ is dense in ℝ𝖽 there merely exist q,r:ℚ such that
xϵ-ϵ-θ/2<q<xϵ-ϵ-θ/4<xϵ<xϵ+ϵ+θ/4<r<xϵ+ϵ+θ/2, |
and thus q<y<r. Now either y<xϵ+θ/2 or xϵ-θ/2<y. In the first case we have
xϵ-ϵ-θ/2<q<y<xϵ+θ/2, |
and in the second
xϵ-θ/2<y<r<xϵ+ϵ+θ/2. |
In either case it follows that |y-xϵ|<ϵ+θ. ∎
For sake of completeness we record the classic formulation as well.
Corollary 11.2.5.
Suppose x:N→Rd satisfies the Cauchy condition (11.2.1). Then there exists y:Rd such that
∏(ϵ:ℚ+)∑(n:ℕ)∏(m≥n)|xm-y|<ϵ. |
By \autorefthm:ttac there is M:ℚ+→ℕ such that ˉx(ϵ):≡xM(ϵ/2) is a Cauchy approximation. Let y be its limit, which exists by \autorefRD-cauchy-complete. Given any ϵ:ℚ+, let n:≡M(ϵ/4) and observe that, for any m≥n,
|xm-y|≤|xm-xn|+|xn-y|=|xm-xn|+|ˉx(ϵ/2)-y|<ϵ/4+ϵ/2+ϵ/4=ϵ.∎ |
Title | 11.2.2 Dedekind reals are Cauchy complete |
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