3.1 Sets and n-types
In order to explain the connection between the logic of type theory and the logic of set theory
, it is helpful to have a notion of set in type theory.
While types in general behave like spaces or higher groupoids
, there is a subclass of them that behave more like the sets in a traditional set-theoretic system.
Categorically, we may consider discrete groupoids, which are determined by a set of objects and only identity morphisms as higher morphisms
; while topologically, we may consider spaces having the discrete topology.
More generally, we may consider groupoids or spaces that are equivalent
to ones of this sort; since everything we do in type theory is up to homotopy
, we can’t expect to tell the difference
Intuitively, we would expect a type to “be a set” in this sense if it has no higher homotopical information: any two parallel paths are equal (up to homotopy), and similarly for parallel higher paths at all dimensions.
Fortunately, because everything in homotopy type theory is automatically functorial/continuous
it turns out to be sufficient to ask this at the bottom level.
Definition 3.1.1.
A type A is a set if for all x,y:A and all p,q:x=y, we have p=q.
More precisely, the proposition 𝗂𝗌𝖲𝖾𝗍(A) is defined to be the type
𝗂𝗌𝖲𝖾𝗍(A):≡∏(x,y:A)∏(p,q:x=y)(p=q). |
As mentioned in §1.1 (http://planetmath.org/11typetheoryversussettheory),
the sets in homotopy type theory are not like the sets in ZF set theory, in that there is no global “membership predicate” ∈.
They are more like the sets used in structural mathematics and in category theory
, whose elements are “abstract points” to which we give structure
with functions and relations
This is all we need in order to use them as a foundational system for most set-based mathematics; we will see some examples in http://planetmath.org/node/87584Chapter 10.
Which types are sets? In http://planetmath.org/node/87580Chapter 7 we will study a more general form of this question in depth, but for now we can observe some easy examples.
Example 3.1.2.
The type 1 is a set. For by Theorem 2.8.1 (http://planetmath.org/28theunittype#S8.Thmthm1), for any x,y:1 the type (x=y) is equivalent to 1. Since any two elements of 1 are equal, this implies that any two elements of x=y are equal.
Example 3.1.3.
The type 0 is a set, for given any x,y:0 we may deduce anything we like, by the induction principle of 0.
Example 3.1.4.
The type N of natural numbers is also a set.
This follows from Theorem 2.13.1 (http://planetmath.org/213naturalnumbers#Thmprethm1), since all equality types x=Ny are equivalent to either 1 or 0, and any two inhabitants of 1 or 0 are equal.
We will see another proof of this fact in http://planetmath.org/node/87580Chapter 7.
Most of the type forming operations we have considered so far also preserve sets.
Example 3.1.5.
If A and B are sets, then so is A×B. For given x,y:A×B and p,q:x=y, by Theorem 2.6.2 (http://planetmath.org/26cartesianproducttypes#Thmprethm1) we have p=pair=(appr1(p),appr2(p)) and q=pair=(appr1(q),appr2(q)). But appr1(p)=appr1(q) since A is a set, and appr2(p)=appr2(q) since B is a set; hence p=q.
Similarly, if A is a set and B:A→U is such that each B(x) is a set, then ∑(x:A)B(x) is a set.
Example 3.1.6.
If A is any type and B:A→U is such that each B(x) is a set, then the type ∏(x:A)B(x) is a set. For suppose f,g:∏(x:A)B(x) and p,q:f=g. By function extensionality, we have
p=𝖿𝗎𝗇𝖾𝗑𝗍(x↦𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗅𝗒(p,x)) |
But for any , we have
so since is a set we have . Now using function extensionality again, the dependent functions and are equal, and hence (applying ) so are and .
For more examples, see http://planetmath.org/node/87828Exercise 3.2,http://planetmath.org/node/87768Exercise 3.3. For a more systematic investigation of the subsystem (category) of all sets in homotopy type theory, see http://planetmath.org/node/87584Chapter 10.
Sets are just the first rung on a ladder of what are called homotopy -types. The next rung consists of -types, which are analogous to -groupoids in category theory. The defining property of a set (which we may also call a -type) is that it has no non-trivial paths. Similarly, the defining property of a -type is that it has no non-trivial paths between paths:
Definition 3.1.7.
A type is a 1-type if for all and and , we have .
Similarly, we can define -types, -types, and so on. We will define the general notion of -type inductively in http://planetmath.org/node/87580Chapter 7, and study the relationships between them.
However, for now it is useful to have two facts in mind. First, the levels are upward-closed: if is an -type then is an -type. For example:
Lemma 3.1.8.
If is a set (that is, is inhabited), then is a 1-type.
Suppose ; then for any and we have . Fix , , and , and define by . Then for any , we have . By Lemma 1 (http://planetmath.org/211identitytype#Thmlem1), therefore, we have .
In particular, suppose given and , as in Definition 3.1.7 (http://planetmath.org/31setsandntypes#Thmpredefn2), and define as above. Then and also , hence by cancellation . ∎
Second, this stratification of types by level is not degenerate, in the sense that not all types are sets:
Example 3.1.9.
The universe is not a set.
To prove this, it suffices to exhibit a type and a path which is not equal to .
Take , and let be defined by and .
Then for all (by an easy case analysis), so is an equivalence.
Hence, by univalence, gives rise to a path .
If were equal to , then (again by univalence) would equal the identity function of . But this would imply that , contradicting Remark 1 (http://planetmath.org/212coproducts#Thmrmk1).
In http://planetmath.org/node/87579Chapter 6,http://planetmath.org/node/87582Chapter 8 we will show that for any , there are types which are not -types.
Note that is a 1-type exactly when for any , the identity type is a set. (Thus, Lemma 3.1.8 (http://planetmath.org/31setsandntypes#Thmprelem1) could equivalently be read as saying that the identity types of a set are also sets.) This will be the basis of the recursive definition of -types we will give in http://planetmath.org/node/87580Chapter 7.
We can also extend this characterization “downwards” from sets. That is, a type is a set just when for any , any two elements of are equal. Since sets are equivalently 0-types, it is natural to call a type a -type if it has this latter property (any two elements of it are equal). Such types may be regarded as propositions in a narrow sense, and their study is just what is usually called “logic”; it will occupy us for the rest of this chapter.
Title | 3.1 Sets and n-types |
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