4. Measurement
This section adapts Definitionย 1 (http://planetmath.org/1introduction#Thmdefn1)
to distributed
stochastic systems. The first step is to replace elements of
state space
with stochastic maps , or equivalently probability distributions
on , which are the systemโs inputs. Individual
elements of correspond to Dirac distributions.
Second, replace function with mechanism
Since we are interested in the compositional structure of
measurements we also consider submechanisms .
However, comparing mechanisms requires that they have the same
domain and range, so we extend to the entire
system as follows
(1) |
We refer to the extension as by abuse of notation.
We extend mechanisms implicitly whenever necessary without
further comment. Extending mechanisms in this way maps the
quale into a cloud of points in labeled by objects in .
In the special case of the initial object , define
Remark 3.
Subsystems differing by non-existent edges (Remarkย 2 (http://planetmath.org/3distributeddynamicalsystems#Thmrem2)) are mapped to the same mechanism by this construction, thus making the fact that the edges do not exist explicit within the formalism.
Composing an input with a submechanism yields an output , which is a probability distribution on . We are now in a position to define
Definition 8.
A measuring device is the dual to the mechanism of a subsystem. An output is a stochastic map . A measurement is a composition .
Recall that stochastic maps of the form correspond to probability distributions on . Outputs as
defined above are thus probability distributions on
, the output alphabet of . Individual
elements of are recovered as Dirac vectors:
Definition 9.
The effective information generated by in the context of subsystem is
(2) |
The null context, corresponding to the empty subsystem
, is a special
case where is replaced by the
uniform distribution on .
To simplify notation define
Here, is the
Kullback-Leibler divergence or relative entropy
[1]. Eq.ย (2) expands as
(3) |
When for some we have
(4) |
Definitionย 8 requires some unpacking. To relate
it to the classical notion of measurement, Definitionย 1 (http://planetmath.org/1introduction#Thmdefn1),
we consider system
where the alphabets of and are the sets
and respectively, and the
mechanism of is . In other words,
system corresponds to a single deterministic function
Proposition 5 (classical measurement).
The measurement
performed when deterministic function
outputs is equivalent to the preimage
Effective information is .
Proof: By Corollaryย 2 (http://planetmath.org/2stochasticmaps#Thmthm2) measurement is conditional distribution
which generalizes the preimage. Effective information follows immediately.
Effective information can be interpreted as quantifying a measurementโs precision. It is high if few inputs cause to output out of many โ i.e. has few elements relative to โ and conversely is low if many inputs cause to output โ i.e. if the output is relatively insensitive to changes in the input. Precise measurements say a lot about what the input could have been and conversely for vague measurements with low .
The point of this paper is to develop techniques for studying measurements constructed out of two or more functions. We therefore present computations for the simplest case, distributed system , in considerable detail. Let be the graph

with obvious assignments of alphabets and the mechanism of
as . To make the formulas more readable
let , and . We then obtain lattice

The remainder of this section and most of the next analyzes measurements in the lattice.
Proposition 6 (partial measurement).
The measurement performed on when outputs , treating as extrinsic noise, is conditional distribution
(5) |
where . The effective information generated by the partial measurement is
(6) |
Proof: Treating as a source of extrinsic noise yields which takes . The dual is
The computation of effective information follows immediately.
A partial measurement is precise if the preimage
has small or empty intersection with for most
, and large intersection for few .
Propositionsย 5 and 6 compute
effective information of a measurement relative to the null
context provided by complete
ignorance (the uniform
distribution). We can also compute the effective information
generated by a measurement in the context of a submeasurement:
Proposition 7 (relative measurement).
The information generated by measurement in the context of the partial measurement where is unobserved noise, is
(7) |
To interpret the result decompose into a family of functions labeled by elements of , where . The precision of the measurement performed by s . It follows that the precision of the relative measurement, Eq.ย (7), is the expected precision of the measurements performed by family taken with respect to the probability distribution generated by the noisy measurement.
In the special case of relative precision is simply the difference of the precision of the larger and smaller subsystems:
Corollary 8 (comparing measurements).
Eย T Jaynes (1985):
and Search Theory. In CRย Smith & WTย Grandy, editors: Maximum-entropy and Bayesian Methods in Inverse Problems, Springer.
Title | 4. Measurement |
Canonical name | 4Measurement |
Date of creation | 2014-04-22 19:36:22 |
Last modified on | 2014-04-22 19:36:22 |
Owner | rspuzio (6075) |
Last modified by | rspuzio (6075) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | rspuzio (6075) |
Entry type | Feature |