8.3 πk≤n of an n-connected space and πk<n(Sn)
Let (A,a) be a pointed type and n:ℕ. Recall from
\autorefthm:homotopy-groups that if n>0 the set πn(A,a) has a group
structure, and if n>1 the group is abelian.
We can now say something about homotopy groups of n-truncated and
n-connected types.
Lemma 8.3.1.
If A is n-truncated and a:A, then πk(A,a)=1 for all k>n.
The loop space of an n-type is an
(n-1)-type, hence Ωk(A,a) is an (n-k)-type, and we have
(n-k)≤-1 so Ωk(A,a) is a mere proposition. But Ωk(A,a) is inhabited,
so it is actually contractible
Lemma 8.3.2.
If A is n-connected and a:A, then πk(A,a)=1 for all k≤n.
We have the following sequence of equalities:
πk(A,a)=∥Ωk(A,a)∥0=Ωk(∥(A,a)∥k)=Ωk(∥∥(A,a)∥n∥k)=Ωk(∥𝟏∥k)=Ωk(𝟏)=𝟏. |
The third equality uses the fact that k≤n in order to use that ∥–∥k∘∥–∥n=∥–∥k and the fourth equality uses the fact that A is n-connected. ∎
Corollary 8.3.3.
πk(𝕊n)=𝟏 for k<n.
The sphere 𝕊n is (n-1)-connected by \autorefcor:sn-connected, so we can apply \autoreflem:pik-nconnected. ∎
Title | 8.3 πk≤n of an n-connected space and πk<n(Sn) |
\metatable |