9.6 Strict categories
Definition 9.6.1.
A strict category is a precategory whose type of objects is a set.
In accordance with the mathematical red herring principle, a strict category is not necessarily a category.
In fact, a category is a strict category precisely when it is gaunt (\autorefct:gaunt).
Most of the time, category theory
is about categories, not strict ones, but sometimes one wants to consider strict categories.
The main advantage of this is that strict categories have a stricter notion of “sameness” than equivalence, namely isomorphism
(or equivalently, by \autorefct:cat-eq-iso, equality).
Here is one origin of strict categories.
Example 9.6.2.
Let A be a precategory and x:A an object. Then there is a precategory mono(A,x) as follows:
Its objects consist of an object y:A and a monomorphism
m:homA(y,x). (As usual, m:homA(y,x) is a monomorphism (or is monic) if (m∘f=m∘g)⇒(f=g).)
Its morphisms from (y,m) to (z,n) are arbitrary morphisms from y to z in A (not necessarily respecting m and n).
An equality (y,m)=(z,n) of objects in mono(A,x) consists of an equality p:y=z and an equality p*(m)=n, which by \autorefct:idtoiso-trans is equivalently an equality m=n∘idtoiso(p). Since hom-sets are sets, the type of such equalities is a mere proposition. But since m and n are monomorphisms, the type of morphisms f such that m=n∘f is also a mere proposition. Thus, if A is a category, then (y,m)=(z,n) is a mere proposition, and hence mono(A,x) is a strict category.
This example can be dualized, and generalized in various ways. Here is an interesting application of strict categories.
Example 9.6.3.
Let E/F be a finite Galois extension
of fields, and G its Galois group.
Then there is a strict category whose objects are intermediate fields F⊆K⊆E, and whose morphisms are field homomorphisms which fix F pointwise (but need not commute with the inclusions into E).
There is another strict category whose objects are subgroups H⊆G, and whose morphisms are morphisms of G-sets G/H→G/K.
The fundamental theorem of Galois theory
says that these two precategories are isomorphic (not merely equivalent
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