alternative proof of necessity direction of equivalent conditions for triangles (hyperbolic and spherical)

The following is a proof that, in hyperbolic geometry and spherical geometry, an equiangular triangle ABC is automatically equilateral ( (and therefore regularPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath ( It better the proof of sufficiency supplied in the entry equivalent conditions for triangles and is slightly shorter than the proof of necessity supplied in the same entry.


Assume that ABC is equiangular.


Since ABC, AAA yields that ABCBCA. By CPCTC, AB¯AC¯BC¯. Hence, ABC is equilateral.

Title alternative proof of necessity direction of equivalent conditions for triangles (hyperbolic and spherical)
Canonical name AlternativeProofOfNecessityDirectionOfEquivalentConditionsForTriangleshyperbolicAndSpherical
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:12:55
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:12:55
Owner Wkbj79 (1863)
Last modified by Wkbj79 (1863)
Numerical id 5
Author Wkbj79 (1863)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 51-00