center of gravity of circular sector

Consider a circular sector with central angleMathworldPlanetmath 2α (in radians) and radius R as shown in the diagram below. If we wish to find the distance of the center of gravityPlanetmathPlanetmath from the center of the sector, we divide the sector into elements of area dA as illustrated.

In general, the mass of a lamina element is given by dm=δ2dA and the coordinates of the centers of mass are (given that the mass is evenly distributed over the area):

x¯ = Ax𝑑AA,
y¯ = Ay𝑑AA

In this case, we will use polar coordinates as it would be much easier to carry out the integration, and the boundaries can be defined easily. In polar coordinates dA=rdrdθ. The area of the sector is A=12R2(2α)=αR2. Now

x¯ =1αR202α0Rxr𝑑r𝑑θ

Now we follow a similarMathworldPlanetmath procedure for the y-coordinate:

y¯ =1αR202α0Ryr𝑑r𝑑θ

The center of gravity is (x¯,y¯) and the distance d of the center of gravity from the center of the sector is given by:


We substitute for x¯ and y¯:

d =(Rsin2α3α)2+(R(1-cos2α)3α)2

From trigonometryMathworldPlanetmath, we know that:




Keeping these in mind, we substitute:

d =R3α4sin2αcos2α+4sin4α

In conclusion, the distance of the center of gravity of a circular sector with radius R and angle 2α from the center of the sector is given by:

Title center of gravity of circular sector
Canonical name CenterOfGravityOfCircularSector
Date of creation 2013-03-22 18:06:30
Last modified on 2013-03-22 18:06:30
Owner curious (18562)
Last modified by curious (18562)
Numerical id 6
Author curious (18562)
Entry type Topic
Classification msc 44A99
Related topic CentreOfMassOfHalfDisc