Drazin inverse
A Drazin inverse of an operator A is an operator, B, such that
AB=BA, |
BAB=B, |
ABA=A-U, |
where the spectral radius r(U)=0. The Drazin inverse (B) is denoted by AD. It exists, if 0 is not an accumulation point
of σ(A).
For example, a projection operator is its own Drazin inverse, PD=P, as PPP=PP=P; for a Shift operator SD=0 holds.
The following are some other useful properties of the Drazin inverse:
AD=(A+αP(A))-1(I-P(A)), where P(A):= is the spectral projection
of at and ;
, where is the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse
of ;
for , if is finite;
If the matrix is represented explicitly by its Jordan canonical form
, ( regular
and nilpotent
), then
Let denote an eigenvector
of to the eigenvalue
. Then is an eigenvector of .
Title | Drazin inverse |
Canonical name | DrazinInverse |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:58:05 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:58:05 |
Owner | kronos (12218) |
Last modified by | kronos (12218) |
Numerical id | 29 |
Author | kronos (12218) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 47S99 |
Related topic | MoorePenroseGeneralizedInverse |