Edna Kramer

Edna Ernestine Kramer Lassar (1902 - 1984) American mathematician, educator, author and biographer.

Born in New York City of Jewish immigrants from Europe, young Edna was named after an uncle whose gift for mathematics was unrealized due to early death. After graduating from high school, she went to Hunter College, earning a bachelor’s summa cum laude in mathematics and went on to graduate work at Columbia, minoring in physics. She preferred teaching mathematics in high school rather than college, but did teach college. At Abraham Lincoln High in New York she met Benedict Lassar, a French teacher. They married. During World War II, Edna Kramer did a lot of work in statistics. She died of pneumonia in Manhattan.


  • 1 S. I. Lipsey “Edna Ernestine Kramer Lassar” in Women of Mathematics: A Bibliographic Sourcebook L. Grinstein, P. Cambpell, ed.s New York: Greenwood Press (1987): 114 - 120
Title Edna Kramer
Canonical name EdnaKramer
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:08:08
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:08:08
Owner Mravinci (12996)
Last modified by Mravinci (12996)
Numerical id 5
Author Mravinci (12996)
Entry type Biography
Classification msc 01A60
Synonym Edna Ernestine Kramer Lassar
Synonym Edna Ernestine Kramer
Synonym Edna Lassar
Synonym Edna Ernestine Lassar