nested ideals in von Neumann regular ring


Let π”ž be an ideal of the von Neumann regular ringMathworldPlanetmath R.  Then π”ž itself is a von Neumann regular ring and any ideal π”Ÿ of π”ž is likewise an ideal of R.


If  aβˆˆπ”ž, then  a⁒s⁒a=a  for some  s∈R.  Setting  t=s⁒a⁒s  we see that t belongs to the ideal π”ž and


Secondly, we have to show that whenever  bβˆˆπ”ŸβŠ†π”žβ€‰ and  r∈R, then both b⁒r and r⁒b lie in π”Ÿ.  Now,  b⁒rβˆˆπ”žβ€‰ because π”ž is an ideal of R.  Thus there is an element x in π”ž satisfying  b⁒r⁒x⁒b⁒r=b⁒r.  Since r⁒x⁒b⁒r belongs to π”ž and π”Ÿ is assumed to be an ideal of π”ž, we conclude that the product  bβ‹…r⁒x⁒b⁒r  must lie in π”Ÿ, i.e.  b⁒rβˆˆπ”Ÿ.  Similarly it can be shown that  r⁒bβˆˆπ”Ÿ. ∎


  • 1 David M. Burton: A first course in rings and ideals.  Addison-Wesley.  Reading, Massachusetts (1970).
Title nested ideals in von Neumann regular ring
Canonical name NestedIdealsInVonNeumannRegularRing
Date of creation 2013-03-22 14:48:24
Last modified on 2013-03-22 14:48:24
Owner CWoo (3771)
Last modified by CWoo (3771)
Numerical id 12
Author CWoo (3771)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 16E50