proof of arithmetic-geometric-harmonic means inequality

For the Arithmetic Geometric Inequality, I claim it is enough to prove that if i=1nxi=1 with xi0 then i=1nxin. The arithmetic geometric inequality for y1,,yn will follow by taking xi=yik=1nykn. The geometric harmonic inequalityMathworldPlanetmath follows from the arithmetic geometric by taking xi=1yi.

So, we show that if i=1nxi=1 with xi0 then i=1nxin by inductionMathworldPlanetmath on n.

Clear for n=1.

Induction Step: By reordering indices we may assume the xi are increasing, so xn1x1. Assuming the statement is true for n-1, we have x2++xn-1+x1xnn-1. Then,


by adding x1+xn to both sides and subtracting x1xn. And so,

i=1nxi n+(xn-1)+(x1-x1xn)

The last line follows since xn1x1.

Title proof of arithmetic-geometric-harmonic means inequality
Canonical name ProofOfArithmeticgeometricharmonicMeansInequality
Date of creation 2013-03-22 15:09:37
Last modified on 2013-03-22 15:09:37
Owner Mathprof (13753)
Last modified by Mathprof (13753)
Numerical id 10
Author Mathprof (13753)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 26D15