proof of Morera’s theorem
We provide a proof of Morera’s theorem
under the hypothesis
for any circuit
Γ contained in G.
This is apparently more restrictive, but actually equivalent
to supposing
for any triangle
provided that f is continuous
in G.
The idea is to prove that f has an antiderivative F in G.
Then F, being holomorphic in G,
will have derivatives of any order in G;
but F(n)(z)=f(n-1)(z) for all z∈G, n∈ℕ, n≥1.
First, suppose G is connected.
Then G, being open, is also pathwise connected.
Fix z0∈G. For any z∈G define F(z) as
F(z)=∫γ(z0,z)f(w)𝑑w, | (1) |
where γ(z0,z) is a path entirely contained in G with initial point z0 and final point z.
The function F:G→ℂ is well defined. In fact, let γ1 and γ2 be any two paths entirely contained in G with initial point z0 and final point z; define a circuit Γ by joining γ1 and -γ2, the path obtained from γ2 by “reversing the parameter direction”. Then by linearity and additivity of integral
∫Γf(w)𝑑w=∫γ1f(w)𝑑w+∫-γ2f(w)𝑑w=∫γ1f(w)𝑑w-∫γ2f(w)𝑑w; | (2) |
but the left-hand side is 0 by hypothesis, thus the two integrals on the right-hand side are equal.
We must now prove that F′=f in G. Given z∈G, there exists r>0 such that the ball Br(z) of radius r centered in z is contained in G. Suppose 0<|Δz|<r: then we can choose as a path from z to z+Δz the segment γ:[0,1]→G parameterized by t↦z+tΔz. Write f=u+iv with u,v:G→ℝ: by additivity of integral and the mean value theorem,
F(z+Δz)-F(z)Δz | = | 1Δz∫γf(w)𝑑w | ||
= | 1Δz∫10f(z+tΔz)Δz𝑑t | |||
= | u(z+θuΔz)+iv(z+θvΔz) |
for some θu,θv∈(0,1). Since f is continuous, so are u and v, and
lim |
In the general case, we just repeat the procedure
once for each connected component of .
Title | proof of Morera’s theorem |
Canonical name | ProofOfMorerasTheorem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:53:34 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:53:34 |
Owner | Ziosilvio (18733) |
Last modified by | Ziosilvio (18733) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | Ziosilvio (18733) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 30D20 |