table of differences between \delimiter"4264306n!\delimiter"52653072 and n! for 0<n<26

There are only three known solutions to Brocard’s problem, and the near misses all seem to occur early on. Notice how, for example, 3! is just 3 shy of a square (compared to 1 shy of a square which is what Brocard’s problem asks for). Still, the differences between a factorial and the next higher perfect squareMathworldPlanetmath don’t make for a consistently ascending order sequence. For a few values of n, (such as 4, 7, 10, 24, 26, 42, 117, 135) this difference is smaller than the previous difference. In general, however, the difference between a factorial and the next perfect square widens as n gets larger.

The following table gives the square root of n! to six decimal places, and then the difference between the factorial and the next higher square (obtained by taking the ceiling of the square root of n! and squaring that integer).

n n! n!2-n!
1 1.000000 0
2 1.414214 2
3 2.449489 3
4 4.898979 1
5 10.954451 1
6 26.832816 9
7 70.992957 1
8 200.798406 81
9 602.395219 729
10 1904.940944 225
11 6317.974359 324
12 21886.105181 39169
13 78911.474451 82944
14 295259.701280 176400
15 1143535.905864 215296
16 4574143.623456 3444736
17 18859677.306253 26167684
18 80014834.285449 114349225
19 348776576.634429 255004929
20 1559776268.628498 1158920361
21 7147792818.185865 11638526761
22 33526120082.371712 42128246889
23 160785623545.405884 191052974116
24 787685471322.938354 97216010329
25 3938427356614.691406 2430400258225
Title table of differences between \delimiter"4264306n!\delimiter"52653072 and n! for 0<n<26
Canonical name TableOfDifferencesBetweenlceilsqrtnrceil2AndNFor0N26
Date of creation 2013-03-22 18:10:20
Last modified on 2013-03-22 18:10:20
Owner PrimeFan (13766)
Last modified by PrimeFan (13766)
Numerical id 5
Author PrimeFan (13766)
Entry type Data Structure
Classification msc 11A25