a harmonic function on a graph which is bounded below and nonconstant

There exists no harmonic functionPlanetmathPlanetmath on all of the d-dimensional grid d which is bounded below and nonconstant. This categorises a particular property of the grid; below we see that other graphs can admit such harmonic functions.

Let 𝒯3=(V3,E3) be a 3-regular tree. Assign “levels” to the vertices of 𝒯3 as follows: Fix a vertex oV3, and let π be a branch of 𝒯3 (an infinite simple path) from o. For every vertex vV3 of 𝒯3 there exists a unique shortest path from v to a vertex of π; let (v)=|π| be the length of this path.

Now define f(v)=2-(v)>0. Without loss of generality, note that the three neighbours u1,u2,u3 of v satisfy (u1)=(v)-1 (“u1 is the parent of v”), (u2)=(u3)=(v)+1 (“u2,u3 are the siblings of v”). And indeed, 13(2(v)-1+2(v)+1+2(v)+1)=2(v).

So f is a positive nonconstant harmonic function on 𝒯3.

Title a harmonic function on a graph which is bounded below and nonconstant
Canonical name AHarmonicFunctionOnAGraphWhichIsBoundedBelowAndNonconstant
Date of creation 2013-03-22 12:44:26
Last modified on 2013-03-22 12:44:26
Owner drini (3)
Last modified by drini (3)
Numerical id 6
Author drini (3)
Entry type Example
Classification msc 30F15
Classification msc 31C05
Classification msc 31B05
Classification msc 31A05