an injection between two finite sets of the same cardinality is bijective


Let A,B be two finite setsMathworldPlanetmath of the same cardinality. If f:AB is an injective function then f is bijectiveMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath.


In order to prove the lemma, it suffices to show that if f is an injection then the cardinality of f(A) and A are equal. We prove this by inductionMathworldPlanetmath on n=card(A). The case n=1 is trivial. Assume that the lemma is true for sets of cardinality n and let A be a set of cardinality n+1. Let aA so that A1=A-{a} has cardinality n. Thus, f(A1) has cardinality n by the induction hypothesis. Moreover, f(a)f(A1) because aA1 and f is injective. Therefore:


and the set {f(a)}f(A1) has cardinality 1+n, as desired. ∎

Title an injection between two finite sets of the same cardinality is bijective
Canonical name AnInjectionBetweenTwoFiniteSetsOfTheSameCardinalityIsBijective
Date of creation 2013-03-22 15:10:20
Last modified on 2013-03-22 15:10:20
Owner alozano (2414)
Last modified by alozano (2414)
Numerical id 6
Author alozano (2414)
Entry type TheoremMathworldPlanetmath
Classification msc 03-00
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