another proof of the non-existence of a continuous function that switches the rational and the irrational numbers

Let 𝕁=β„βˆ–β„š denote the irrationals. There is no continuous functionMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath f:ℝ→ℝ such that f⁒(β„š)βŠ†π• and f⁒(𝕁)βŠ†β„š.


Suppose f is such a function. Since β„š is countableMathworldPlanetmath, f⁒(β„š) and f⁒(𝕁) are also countable. Therefore the image of f is countable. If f is not a constant function, then by the intermediate value theorem the image of f contains a nonempty interval, so the image of f is uncountable. We have just shown that this isn’t the case, so there must be some c such that f⁒(x)=c for all xβˆˆβ„. Therefore f⁒(β„š)={c}βŠ‚π• and f⁒(𝕁)={c}βŠ‚β„š. Obviously no number is both rational and irrational, so no such f exists.

Title another proof of the non-existence of a continuous function that switches the rational and the irrational numbers
Canonical name AnotherProofOfTheNonexistenceOfAContinuousFunctionThatSwitchesTheRationalAndTheIrrationalNumbers
Date of creation 2013-03-22 16:23:54
Last modified on 2013-03-22 16:23:54
Owner neapol1s (9480)
Last modified by neapol1s (9480)
Numerical id 7
Author neapol1s (9480)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 54E52