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applications of Urysohn’s Lemma to locally compact Hausdorff spaces

Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff spacePlanetmathPlanetmath (LCH space) and X* its one-point compactification. We employ the following notation:

  • C(X) denotes the set of continuousMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath complex functions on X;

  • Cb(X) denotes the set of continuous and boundedPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath complex functions on X;

  • C0(X) denotes the set of continuous complex functions on X which vanish at infinity;

  • Cc(X) denotes the set of continuous complex functions on X with compact support

Note that we have Cc(X)C0(X)Cb(X)C(X), and that when we replace X with X* (in general, when X is compactPlanetmathPlanetmath), these four classes of functions coincide.

Now, while Urysohn’s Lemma does not directly apply to X (since X need not in general be normal), it does apply to X*, for being compact HausdorffPlanetmathPlanetmath, X* is necessarily normal. One may therefore indirectly apply Urysohn’s Lemma to X by way of X* to obtain various results asserting the existence of certain continuous functions on X with prescribed properties. The following results and their proofs illustrate this technique and are frequently useful in analysisMathworldPlanetmath.

Proposition 1.

If KUX with K compact and U open, then there exists an open subset V of X with compact closure such that KVˉVU.


Since K is a compact subset of the Hausdorff space X*, it is closed, and because X is open in X*, U is as well. Therefore, by normalityPlanetmathPlanetmath, there exists an open subset V of X* such that KVˉVU (note that the closureMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath of V in X* coincides with that of V in X, since the former set is contained in X and the latter set is equal to the former intersected with X). As ˉV is closed in X*, it is compact, and because V is open in X* and VX, V is open in X. Thus V possesses the desired properties. ∎

Corollary 1.

For each xX and each open subset U of X containing x, there exists an open subset V of X with compact closure such that xV and ˉVU.


Take K={x} in the preceding propositionPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath. ∎

Theorem 1.

(Urysohn’s Lemma for LCH Spaces) If KUX with K compact and U open, then there exists fCc(X) such that 0f1, f|K1, and suppfU.


By the first Proposition, there exists an open subset V of X with compact closure such that KVˉVU; since K and X*-V are disjoint closed subsets of the normal spaceMathworldPlanetmath X*, Urysohn’s Lemma furnishes gC(X*) such that 0g1, g|K1, and g|X*-V0. Put f=g|X. Then fC(X), 0f1, and f|K1. Moreover, f vanishes outside ˉV because g does, so {xX:f(x)0}ˉVU; since ˉV is compact, and consequently closed, the last inclusion gives suppfˉVU and fCc(X). ∎

Theorem 2.

(Tietze Extension Theorem for LCH Spaces) If KX is compact and fC(K) is real, then there exists a real gCc(X) extending f.

Corollary 2.

C0(X) is the uniform closure of Cc(X) in Cb(X).


We first show that C0(X) is closed in Cb(X). To this end, assume that (fn)n=1 is a uniformly convergent sequence of functions in C0(X) with limit f and let ϵ>0 be given. Select N+ such that f-fN<ϵ/2, and select a compact subset K of X such that |fN|<ϵ/2 for xX-K. We then have, for all such x,


Thus f vanishes at infinity; since the uniform limit of continuous functions is continuous, we obtain fC0(X), whence C0(X) is closed. It remains to establish the density of Cc(X) in C0(X). Given fC0(X) and ϵ>0, select a compact subset K of X such that |f(x)|<ϵ/2 for xX-K. By Theorem 1, there exists gCc(X) with range in [0,1] satisfying g|K1. The function h=fg is continuous and supported inside suppg, hence lies in Cc(X); moreover, if xK, then we have |f(x)-h(x)|=|f(x)-f(x)|=0, while if xK, then


It follows that f-h<ϵ, hence that f¯Cc(X), completing the proof. ∎

Title applications of Urysohn’s Lemma to locally compact Hausdorff spaces
Canonical name ApplicationsOfUrysohnsLemmaToLocallyCompactHausdorffSpaces
Date of creation 2013-03-22 18:33:31
Last modified on 2013-03-22 18:33:31
Owner azdbacks4234 (14155)
Last modified by azdbacks4234 (14155)
Numerical id 23
Author azdbacks4234 (14155)
Entry type Topic
Classification msc 54D15
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