area of a quadrilateral

Let a,b,c,d be the lengths of the sides of a quadrilateralMathworldPlanetmath and K be its area. Let s be the semiperimeter. Then


where θ and ϕ are of the quadrilateral. Letting d0 we obtain Heron’s formula for the area of a triangle.


  • 1 C.A. Bretschneider, Untersuchung der trigonometrischen Relationen des geradlinigen Viereckes. Archiv der Math. 2, (1842), 225-261.
  • 2 F. Strehlke, Zwei neue Sätze vom ebenen und shpärischen Viereck und Umkehrung des Ptolemaischen Lehrsatzes. Archiv der Math. 2, (1842) 323-326.
Title area of a quadrilateral
Canonical name AreaOfAQuadrilateral
Date of creation 2013-03-22 16:58:22
Last modified on 2013-03-22 16:58:22
Owner Mathprof (13753)
Last modified by Mathprof (13753)
Numerical id 7
Author Mathprof (13753)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 51N20