betweenness in rays
Let S be a linear ordered geometry.
Fix a point p and consider the pencil Π(p) of all rays
emanating from it. Let α≠β∈Π(p). A point q is
said to be an interior point of α and β if there
are points s∈α and t∈β such that
q and s are on the same side of line ↔pt, and
q and t are on the same side of line ↔ps.
A point q is said to be between α and β if
there are points s∈α and t∈β such that q is
between s and t. A point that is between two rays is an
interior point of these rays, but not vice versa in general. A ray
ρ∈Π(p) is said to be between rays α and
β if there is an interior point of α and β lying
on ρ.
Suppose α,β,ρ∈Π(p) and ρ is between α and β. Then
any point on ρ is an interior point of α and β;
any point on the line containing ρ that is an interior point of α and β must be a point on ρ;
there is a point q on ρ that is between α and β. This is known as the Crossbar Theorem, the two “crossbars” being ρ and a line segment
joining a point on α and a point on β;
if q is defined as above, then any point between p and q is between α and β.
There are no rays between two opposite rays.
If ρ is between α and β, then β is not between α and ρ.
If α,β∈Π(p) has a ray ρ between them, then α and β must lie on the same half plane of some line.
The converse
of the above statement is true too: if α,β∈Π(p) are distinct rays that are not opposite of one another, then there exist a ray ρ∈Π(p) such that ρ is between α and β.
Given α,β∈Π(p) with α≠β and α≠-β. We can write Π(p) as a disjoint union
of two subsets:
A={ρ∈Π(p)∣ρ is between α and β},
Let ρ,σ∈Π(p) be two rays distinct from both α and β. Suppose x∈ρ and y∈σ. Then ρ,σ belong to the same subset if and only if ¯xy does not intersect either α or β.
- 1 D. Hilbert, Foundations of Geometry, Open Court Publishing Co. (1971)
- 2 K. Borsuk and W. Szmielew, Foundations of Geometry, North-Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam (1960)
M. J. Greenberg, Euclidean
and Non-Euclidean Geometries, Development
and History, W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco (1974)
Title | betweenness in rays |
Canonical name | BetweennessInRays |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:33:05 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:33:05 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 51F20 |
Classification | msc 51G05 |
Related topic | Angle |
Related topic | Ray |
Related topic | Midpoint4 |
Defines | interior point |
Defines | between rays |
Defines | between two rays |
Defines | crossbar theorem |