Botta - Pierce - Watkins theorem
Let 𝔽 be an arbitrary field, and let n be a positive integer. Consider ℳn(𝔽), the vector space of all n×n matrices over 𝔽. Define
𝒩={A∈ℳn(𝔽):Ais nilpotent},
Notice that 𝔰𝔩n(𝔽) is a linear subspace of ℳn(𝔽) and 𝒩⊆𝔰𝔩n(𝔽).
The Botta – Pierce – Watkins theorem on linear preservers of the nilpotent matrices [BPW] can be formulated as follows.
Theorem 1
Let φ:sln(F)⟶sln(F) be a linear automorphism. Assume that φ(N)⊆N. Then either ∃P∈GLn(F)∃c∈F∖{0}∀A∈sln(F):φ(A)=cPAP-1, or ∃P∈GLn(F)∃c∈F∖{0}∀A∈sln(F):φ(A)=cPATP-1.
The original proof is based on the Gerstenhaber - Serezhkin theorem, some elementary algebraic geometry, and the fundamental theorem of projective geometry
- BPW P. Botta, S. Pierce, W. Watkins, Linear transformations that preserve the nilpotent matrices, Pacific J. Math. 104 (No. 1): 39–46 (1983).
Title | Botta - Pierce - Watkins theorem |
Canonical name | BottaPierceWatkinsTheorem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:20:21 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:20:21 |
Owner | kammerer (26336) |
Last modified by | kammerer (26336) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | kammerer (26336) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 15A04 |
Related topic | FundamentalTheoremOfProjectiveGeometry |
Related topic | GerstenhaberSerezhkinTheorem |