calculating the splitting of primes
Let K|L be an extension of number fields
, with rings of integers
𝒪K,𝒪L. Since this extension is separable (, there exists α∈K with L(α)=K and by multiplying by a suitable integer, we may assume that α∈𝒪K (we do not require that 𝒪L[α]=𝒪K. There is not, in general, an α∈𝒪L with this property). Let f∈𝒪L[x] be the minimal polynomial
of α.
Now, let 𝔭 be a prime ideal of L that does not divide Δ(f)Δ(𝒪K)-1, and let ˉf∈𝒪L/𝔭𝒪L[x] be the reduction
of f mod 𝔭, and let ˉf=ˉf1⋯ˉfn be its factorization into irreducible polynomials
. If there are repeated factors, then p splits in K as the product
𝔭=(𝔭,f1(α))⋯(𝔭,fn(α)), |
where fi is any polynomial in 𝒪L[x] reducing to ˉfi. Note that in this case 𝔭 is unramified, since all fi are pairwise coprime mod 𝔭
For example, let L=ℚ,K=ℚ(√d) where d is a square-free integer.
Then f=x2-d. For any prime 𝔭, f is irreducible mod 𝔭 if and only if it has no roots mod 𝔭, i.e. d is a quadratic non-residue mod 𝔭. Using quadratic reciprocity, we can obtain a congruence
condition mod 4p for which primes split and which do not. In general, this is possible for all fields with abelian
Galois groups
, using field .
Furthermore, let K′ be the splitting field of L. Then G=Gal(K′|L) acts on the roots of f, giving a map G→Sm, where m=degf. Given a prime 𝔭 of 𝒪L, the Artin symbol
[𝔓,K′|L] for any 𝔓 lying over 𝔭 is determined up to conjugacy by 𝔭. Its in Sn is a product of disjoint cycles of length m1,…,mn where mi=degfi.
This is useful not just for prime splitting, but also for the calculation of Galois groups.
Another useful fact is the Frobenius theorem, which that every element of G is [𝔓,K′|L] for infinitely many primes 𝔓 of 𝒪K′.
For example, let f=x3+x2+2∈ℤ[x]. This is irreducible mod 3, and thus irreducible. Galois theory tells us that G=Gal(K′|L) is a subgroup
of S3, and so is isomorphic
to C3 or S3, but it is not obvious which. But if we consider p=7, , and the quadratic factor is irreducible mod 7. Thus, .
Or let for some integers and is irreducible. For a prime , consider the factorization of . Either it remains irreducible ( contains a 4-cycle), splits as the product of irreducible quadratics ( contains a cycle of the form ) or has a root. If is a root of , then so is , and so assuming , there are at least two roots, and so a 3-cycle is impossible. Thus or .
Title | calculating the splitting of primes |
Canonical name | CalculatingTheSplittingOfPrimes |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:53:24 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:53:24 |
Owner | mathcam (2727) |
Last modified by | mathcam (2727) |
Numerical id | 12 |
Author | mathcam (2727) |
Entry type | Topic |
Classification | msc 11R04 |
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