Cayley’s theorem for semigroups
Let X be a set.
We can define on XX,
the set of functions from X to itself,
a structure of semigroup by putting
Such semigroup is actually a monoid,
whose identity element
is the identity function of X.
Theorem 1 (Cayley’s theorem for semigroups)
For every semigroup (S,⋅)
there exist a set X
and an injective map ϕ:S→XX
which is a morphism of semigroups from (S,⋅) to (XX,⊗).
In other words,
every semigroup is isomorphic to
a semigroup of transformations of some set.
This is an extension
of Cayley’s theorem on groups,
which states that every group is isomorphic to
a group of invertible
of some set.
Proof of Theorem 1.
The argument is similar to the one for Cayley’s theorem on groups.
Let X=S, the set of elements of the semigroup.
First, suppose (S,⋅) is a monoid with unit e. For s∈S define fs:S→S as
fs(x)=x⋅s∀x∈S. | (1) |
Then for every s,t,x∈S we have
fs⋅t(x) | = | x⋅(s⋅t) | ||
= | (x⋅s)⋅t | |||
= | ft(x⋅s) | |||
= | ft(fs(x)) | |||
= | (ft∘fs)(x) | |||
= | (fs⊗ft)(x), |
so ϕ(s)=fs is a homomorphism of monoids,
with fe=idS.
This homomorphism is injective
because if fs=ft,
then s=fs(e)=ft(e)=t.
Next, suppose (S,⋅) is a semigroup but not a monoid. Let e∉S. Construct a monoid (M,∗) by putting M=S∪{e} and defining
s∗t={s⋅tifs,t∈S,sifs∈S,t=e,tifs=e,t∈S,eifs=t=e. |
Then (M,∗) is isomorphic to a submonoid of (MM,⊗) as by (1). For s∈S put gs=fs|S: then gs∈SS for every s, gs⋅t=fs∗t|S, and (S,⋅) is isomorphic to (Σ,⊗) with Σ={gs∣s∈S}. □
Observe that the theorem remains valid if f⊗g is defined as f∘g. In this case, the morphism ϕ is defined by fs(x)=s⋅x∀x∈S.
Title | Cayley’s theorem for semigroups |
Canonical name | CayleysTheoremForSemigroups |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:04:37 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:04:37 |
Owner | Ziosilvio (18733) |
Last modified by | Ziosilvio (18733) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | Ziosilvio (18733) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 20M20 |
Classification | msc 20M15 |
Related topic | CayleysTheorem |