counter example to Nakayama’s lemma for non-finitely generated modules

The hypothesis that the module M be finitely generatedMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath is really necessary. For example, the field of p-adic numbers p is not finitely generated over its ring of integersMathworldPlanetmath p and (p)p=p.

In one sense, the reason why p is “bad” is that is has no proper sub module which is also maximal. Thus p has no non-zero simple quotient. This explains why the following Proof of Nakayama’s Lemma ( does not work for non-finitely generated modules.

Title counter example to Nakayama’s lemma for non-finitely generated modules
Canonical name CounterExampleToNakayamasLemmaForNonfinitelyGeneratedModules
Date of creation 2013-03-22 18:03:55
Last modified on 2013-03-22 18:03:55
Owner sjm (20613)
Last modified by sjm (20613)
Numerical id 9
Author sjm (20613)
Entry type Example
Classification msc 13C99