criteria for a poset to be a complete lattice
Proposition. Let L be a poset. Then the following are equivalent
L is a complete lattice
for every subset A of L, ⋁A exists.
for every finite subset F of L and every directed set
D of L, ⋁F and ⋁D exist.
Implications 1.⇒2.⇒3. are clear. We will show 3.⇒2.⇒1.
(3.⇒2.) If A=∅, then ⋁A=0 by definition. So assume A be a non-empty subset of L. Let A′ be the set of all finite subsets of A and B={⋁F∣F∈A′}. By assumption, B is well-defined and A⊆B. Next, let B′ be the set of all directed subsets of B, and C={⋁D∣D∈B′}. By assumption again, C is well-defined and B⊆C. Now, every chain in C has a maximal element
in C (since a chain is a directed set), C itself has a maximal element d by Zorn’s Lemma. We will show that d is the least upper bound
of elments of A. It is clear that each a∈A is bounded above by d (A⊆B⊆C). If t is an upper bound of elements of A, then it is an upper bound of elements of B, and hence an upper bound of elements of C, which means d≤t.
(2.⇒1.) By assumption ⋁∅ exists (=0), so that ⋀L=0. Now suppose A is a proper subset of L. We want to show that ⋀A exists. If A=∅, then ⋀A=⋁L=1 by definition of an arbitrary meet over the empty set
. So assume A≠∅. Let A′ be the set of lower bounds of A: A′={x∈L∣x≤a for all a∈A} and let b=⋁A′, the least upper bound of A′. b exists by assumption. Since A is a set of upper bounds of A′, b≤a for all a∈A. This means that b is a lower bound of elements of A, or b∈A′. If x is any lower bound of elements of A, then x≤b, since x is bounded above by b (b=⋁A′). This shows that ⋀A exists and is equal to b.
Dually, a poset is a complete lattice iff every subset has an infimum
iff infimum exists for every finite subset and every directed subset.
The above proposition shows, for example, that every closure system is a complete lattice.
Title | criteria for a poset to be a complete lattice |
Canonical name | CriteriaForAPosetToBeACompleteLattice |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:37:53 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:37:53 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 7 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 06B23 |
Classification | msc 03G10 |
Related topic | MeetContinuous |
Related topic | IntersectionStructure |