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criterion for a module to be noetherian

Theorem 1.

A module is noetherianPlanetmathPlanetmath if and only if all of its submodules and quotients ( are noetherian.


Suppose M is Noetherian (over a ring R), and NM a submodule. Since any submodule of M is finitely generatedMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath, any submodule of N, being a submodule of M, is finitely generated as well. Next, if A/N is a submodule of M/N, and if a1,,an is a generating set for AM, then a1+N,,an+N is a generating set for A/N. Conversely, if every submodule of M is Noetherian, then M, being a submodule itself, must be Noetherian. ∎

A weaker form of the converse is the following:

Theorem 2.

If NM is a submodule of M such that N and M/N are Noetherian, then M is Noetherian.


Suppose A1A2 is an ascending chain of submodules of M. Let Bi=AiN, then B1B2 is an ascending chain of submodules of N. Since N is Noetherian, the chain terminates at, say Bn. Let Ci=(Ai+N)/N, then C1C2 is an ascending chain of submodules of M/N. Since M/N is Noetherian, the chain stops at, say Cm. Let k=max(m,n). Then we have Bk=Bk+1 and Ck=Ck+1. We want to show that Ak=Ak+1. Since AkAk+1, we need the other inclusion. Pick aAk+1. Then a+N=b+N, where bAk. This means that a-bN. But bAk+1 as well, so a-bNAk+1. Since NAk=NAk+1, this means that a-bAk or aAk. ∎

Title criterion for a module to be noetherian
Canonical name CriterionForAModuleToBeNoetherian
Date of creation 2013-03-22 15:28:46
Last modified on 2013-03-22 15:28:46
Owner mps (409)
Last modified by mps (409)
Numerical id 9
Author mps (409)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 13E05