data types in statistics
Data drives statistics. In traditional statistical analysis, data can usually be visualized by a matrix. Each column in the matrix represents a data variable (slightly different from the mathematical definition of a variable), and each row respesents an observation or outcome, in which case only one data variable is involved, or a vector of observations or outcomes where several data variables are involved.
The types of data that are being distinguished have to do with the data variables. Before going into the details, let’s begin with an example as a setting. A statistical analysis is conducted based on an observational study of autombile insurance data during a particular calendar year Yr. A matrix of data is formed with the following data variables being observed:
whether a policy has been involved in an accident during Yr,
- NumAcc
number of accidents have a policy been involved in an accident during Yr,
- Cost
the total amount of money a policy cost the insurance company during Yr,
- Gen
gender of driver,
- Mar
marital status of driver,
- Age
age of driver,
- Hist
number of accidents a driver had prior to year Yr,
- DrvZIP
zip code location where the driver lives,
- AccZIP
zip code location where the accident happened,
- AccSt
a numerical code corresponding to the state or province where the accident took place (for example, 0=Alabama, 1=Alaska, etc…, 50=Wyoming),
- Inj
the extent of the injury sustained during an accident,
- VehType
the type of vehicle in the policy, and finally,
- VehWgt
the weight of the vehicle in the policy.
Now, we are ready to breakdown the data variables. First, the data variables can be broken down in terms of their uses:
response variable or predicted variable. From the above example, , NumAcc, Cost can all be response variables. These are variables that we are trying to study, and predict.
explanatory variable or predictor variable or control variable. In the example above, given the response variable is , the explanatory variables can be any of the other variables except NumAcc, Cost, and Inj. Although possibly highly correlated with , NumAcc, Cost, and Inj do not “explain” why an accident occurs. In particular, Inj is only valid when there was an accident.
Usually, the response variable(s) 𝒚 and the explanatory variable(s) 𝒙 can be related functionally as
𝒚=f(𝒙). |
A breakdown of data variables in terms of the natures of the variables is as follows:
categorical variable or discrete variable. These are data variables whose ranges are countable
, often finite. Any value of a categorical variable is called a level, or a category
. For example, is a categorical variable whose values are “Yes” (to mean that at least an accident occurred during year Yr) and “No” (to mean otherwise). A categorical variable whose number of values is two is often called a binary variable or a dichotomous variable. A categorical variable that has more than two values is called a multinomial variable or a polychotomous variable. DrvZip, Inj (no injury, light, medium, serious injuries, or death), VehType (family sedan, sports coupe, etc…) and NumAcc are examples of a multinomial variable.
continuous variable. Any data variable that is not a categorical variable is a continuous variable. Age and VehWgt are both examples of continuous variables. In real situations, these continuous variables usually lie within a certain bounded interval or ball (in higher dimensions
). For example, it is safe to say that the range of the variable Age is [ 0,140].
In many statistical modeling situations, it is often convenient, sometimes even desirable to change continuous variables to categorical ones, and vice versa. Discretization is a way to turn a continuous variable into a categorical one. For example, the continuous variable Age can be turned into a dichotomous variable by the grouping: “Young” = Age ∈[0,25] and “Not Young” = Age ∈(25,140]. Another possible grouping rule may be “Young” = Age ∈[0,25], “Mature” = Age ∈(25,55] Age and “Old” = Age ∈(55,140].
Conversely, to turn a categorical variable into a continuous one, either the method of extension
or transformation
, or both, are used. For example, Hist, the number of prior accidents is a discrete variable taking on non-negative integer values, can be extended to a continuous variable taking on all non-negative real values to suit a certain modeling function f, even though non-integral values do not make sense and are not used in actual predictions. AccZIP can be transformed into a two-dimensional real-valued vector (longitude, latitude), since each (U.S.) zip code corresponds to an area with a unique centroid whose coordinate is measured in longitude and latitude.
Next, data variables can be grouped as whether they are:
quantitative. All variables such as Age, NumAcc, Hist, and VehWgt are quantitative variables since they take on numerical values. Variable AccSt is not a quantitative variable even though it is numeric in nature, since its values have no intrinsic numerical meanings. Another possible non-quantitative variable may be DrvZIP.
qualitative. Variables like Gen, Mar, Inj, as well as AccSt and DrvZIP are all qualitative variables.
Finally, data variables can be classified in terms of whether they can be ordered or not:
nominal variables have no intrinsic ordering structure
. Gen and Mar are such examples, as are AccSt, DrvZIP and VehType.
The meaning of ordinal
variables is self-explanatory. Usually, numerical variables are ordinal, except when they are multi-dimensional or vectorial. AccZIP, when transformed into longitude,latitude, is not ordinal. However, fixing any one of the two coordinates turns the other coordinate into an ordinal variable. An example of a non-numerical ordinal variable is Inj. Since the levels of Inj can be ranked by their severity, from “no injury” to “death”, it is ordinal.
The data variables in the above example is summarized in the following table:
Title | data types in statistics |
Canonical name | DataTypesInStatistics |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:44:27 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:44:27 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 15 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Topic |
Classification | msc 62-07 |
Defines | response variable |
Defines | explanatory variable |
Defines | continuous variable |
Defines | discrete variable |
Defines | categorical variable |
Defines | nominal variable |
Defines | ordinal variable |
Defines | predictor |
Defines | control variable |
Defines | observation |
Defines | qualitative variable |
Defines | quantitative variable |
Defines | dichotomous |
Defines | polychotomous |
\@unrecurse |