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derivation of Gauss sum up to a sign

The Gauss sum can be easily evaluated up to a sign by squaring the original series

g21(χ) =s/p(sp)e2πis/pt/p(tp)e2πit/p
and summing over a new variable n=s-1t(modp)


  • 1 Harold Davenport. Multiplicative Number Theory. Markham Pub. Co., 1967. 0159.06303.
Title derivation of Gauss sum up to a sign
Canonical name DerivationOfGaussSumUpToASign
Date of creation 2013-03-22 13:39:45
Last modified on 2013-03-22 13:39:45
Owner bbukh (348)
Last modified by bbukh (348)
Numerical id 8
Author bbukh (348)
Entry type Derivation
Classification msc 11L05