every proposition is equivalent to a proposition in DNF


Given any propositionPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath, there exists a proposition in disjunctive normal formMathworldPlanetmath which is equivalentMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath to that proposition.


Any two propositions are equivalent if and only if they determine the same truth function. Therefore, if one can exhibit a mapping which assigns to a given truth function f a proposition in disjunctive normal form such that the truth function of this proposition is f, the theorem follows immediately.

Let n denote the number of arguments f takes. Define


For every X{T,F}n, define Li(X):{T,F}n{T,F} as follows:


Then, we claim that


On the one hand, suppose that f(Y)=T for a certain Y{T,F}n. By definition of V(f), we have YV(f). By definition of Li, we have


In either case, Li(Y)(Y)=T. Since a conjunctionMathworldPlanetmath equals T if and only if each term of the conjunction equals T, it follows that i=1nLi(Y)(Y)=T. Finally, since a disjunctionMathworldPlanetmath equals T if and only if there exists a term which equals T, it follows the right hand side equals equals T when the left-hand side equals T.

On the one hand, suppose that f(Y)=F for a certain Y{T,F}n. Let X be any element of V(f). Since YV(f), there must exist an index i such that XiYi. For this choice of i, Yi=¬Xi Then we have


In either case, Li(X)(Y)=F. Since a conjunction equals F if and only if there exists a term which evaluates to F, it follows that i=1nLi(X)(Y)=F for all XV(f). Since a disjunction equals F if and only if each term of the conjunction equals F, it follows that the right hand side equals equals F when the left-hand side equals F.

Title every proposition is equivalent to a proposition in DNF
Canonical name EveryPropositionIsEquivalentToAPropositionInDNF
Date of creation 2013-03-22 15:06:58
Last modified on 2013-03-22 15:06:58
Owner rspuzio (6075)
Last modified by rspuzio (6075)
Numerical id 10
Author rspuzio (6075)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 03B05