example of a Bezout domain that is not a PID
Let 𝔸 be the ring of all algebraic numbers whose minimal polynomials are in ℤ[x]; i.e. (http://planetmath.org/Ie), every element of 𝔸 is an algebraic integer
In the following example, ideals are considered to be of 𝔸 unless indicated otherwise via intersection with a subring of 𝔸.
Let I be a ideal of 𝔸. Then there exists a positive integer n and α1,…,αn∈𝔸 with I=⟨α1,…,αn⟩. Let K=ℚ(α1,…,αn), and let 𝒪K denote the ring of integers of K. Then α1,…,αn∈𝒪K and I∩𝒪K is an ideal of 𝒪K. Let h denote the class number
of K. Then (I∩𝒪K)h=⟨β⟩∩𝒪K for some β∈𝒪K. Let L=K(h√β), and let 𝒪L denote the ring of integers of L. Then
Since unique factorization of ideals holds in 𝒪L, I∩𝒪L=⟨h√β⟩∩𝒪L. Since 𝒪K⊆𝒪L and α1,…,αn∈I∩𝒪K⊆I∩𝒪L=⟨h√β⟩∩𝒪L, there exist γ1,…,γn∈𝒪L with αj=γjh√β for all positive integers j with j≤n. Thus, I=⟨α1,…,αn⟩=⟨γ1h√β,…,γnh√β⟩⊆⟨h√β⟩. Since I⊆⟨h√β⟩ and I∩𝒪L=⟨h√β⟩∩𝒪L, I=⟨h√β⟩. Hence, I is principal. It follows that 𝔸 is a Bezout domain.
On the other hand, 𝔸 is not a principal ideal domain (PID). For example, the ideal all of the nth roots (http://planetmath.org/NthRoot) of 2, J=⟨2,√2,3√2,…⟩, is an ideal of 𝔸 that is not principal.
Title | example of a Bezout domain that is not a PID |
Canonical name | ExampleOfABezoutDomainThatIsNotAPID |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:57:04 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:57:04 |
Owner | Wkbj79 (1863) |
Last modified by | Wkbj79 (1863) |
Numerical id | 13 |
Author | Wkbj79 (1863) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 11R29 |
Classification | msc 11R04 |
Classification | msc 13G05 |