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Example of stochastic matrix of mapping

In order to understand the notion of stochastic matrixMathworldPlanetmath associated to a mapping and its dual, we will work through a simple example. Let X={a,b,c} and let Y={d,e}, and define the mapping f:XY as follows:

f(a) =d
f(b) =d
f(c) =e

Then 𝒱X is a 3-dimensional real vector space with basis


and 𝒱Y is a 3-dimensional real vector space with basis




To form the dual, we first renormalize the rows to sum to unity, then transposeMathworldPlanetmath:


Next, to illustrate inclusions, we shall examine the map i:YX defined as follows:

f(d) = a
f(e) = b

Following the same procedures as above, for this map we find that



Title Example of stochastic matrix of mapping
Canonical name ExampleOfStochasticMatrixOfMapping
Date of creation 2014-04-28 3:33:09
Last modified on 2014-04-28 3:33:09
Owner rspuzio (6075)
Last modified by PMBookProject (1000683)
Numerical id 21
Author rspuzio (1000683)
Entry type Example