examples of ranges of consecutive integers for Erdős-Woods numbers
The most famous example of 16 as an Erdős-Woods number (http://planetmath.org/ErdHosWoodsNumber) is the range of 16 consecutive integers starting with 2184.
Another for is 2044224, which we obtained by multiplying 2184 by 936. The factorization is , while . The table of factorizations
2044225 | |
2044226 | |
2044227 | |
2044228 | |
2044229 | |
2044230 | |
2044231 | |
2044232 | |
2044233 | |
2044234 | |
2044235 | |
2044236 | |
2044237 | |
2044238 | |
2044239 |
shows that each of the numbers in this range shares at least one factor with one if not both of the numbers capping the range.
Next we have a slightly longer example, this one for . The smallest matching is 47563752566, a squarefree number with a factorization of . The number capping the end of the range is the decidedly non-squarefree 47563752600, with a factorization of . While the size of these numbers forbids verification on your typical pocket calculator, these numbers are well within the reach of a Javascript implementation of trial division. Here we could be tempted to omit the even numbers, as they obviously share 2 as a prime factor with the range start and the range end, as well as multiples of 3 or 5 as they thus share factors with the range end. But, on the hope that it turns out to be at least a little bit instructive, the factorizations of all the numbers in our chosen range is given.
47563752567 | |
47563752568 | |
47563752569 | |
47563752570 | |
47563752571 | |
47563752572 | |
47563752573 | |
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47563752599 |
Title | examples of ranges of consecutive integers for Erdős-Woods numbers |
Canonical name | ExamplesOfRangesOfConsecutiveIntegersForErdHosWoodsNumbers |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:38:16 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:38:16 |
Owner | PrimeFan (13766) |
Last modified by | PrimeFan (13766) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | PrimeFan (13766) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 11A05 |