Factorization of the Dedekind zeta function of an abelian number field

The Dedekind zeta function of an abelian number field factors as a product of Dirichlet L-functions as follows. Let K be an abelian number field, i.e. K/ is Galois and Gal(K/) is abelian. Then, by the Kronecker-Weber theoremMathworldPlanetmath, there is an integer n (which we choose to be minimal) such that K(ζn) where ζn is a primitive nth root of unityMathworldPlanetmath. Let G=Gal((ζn)/)(/n)× and let χ:G× be a Dirichlet characterDlmfMathworldPlanetmath. Then the kernel of χ determines a fixed field of (ζn). Further, for any field K as before, there exists a group X of Dirichlet characters of G such that K is equal to the intersection of the fixed fields by the kernels of all χX. The order of X is [K:] and XGal(K/).

Theorem ([1], Thm. 4.3).

Let K be an abelian number field and let X be the associated group of Dirichlet characters. The Dedekind zeta function of K factors as follows:


Notice that for the trivial character χ0 one has L(s,χ0)=ζ(s), the Riemann zeta functionDlmfDlmfMathworldPlanetmath, which has a simple poleMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath at s=1 with residueDlmfMathworldPlanetmath 1. Thus, for an arbitrary abelian number field K:


where the last product is taken over all non-trivial characters χX.


Title Factorization of the Dedekind zeta function of an abelian number field
Canonical name FactorizationOfTheDedekindZetaFunctionOfAnAbelianNumberField
Date of creation 2013-03-22 16:01:21
Last modified on 2013-03-22 16:01:21
Owner alozano (2414)
Last modified by alozano (2414)
Numerical id 4
Author alozano (2414)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 11M06
Classification msc 11R42
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