Helly’s theorem
Suppose A1,…,Am⊂ℝd is a family of convex sets, and every d+1 of them have a non-empty intersection. Then ⋂mi=1Ai is non-empty.
The proof is by induction on m. If m=d+1, then the statement is vacuous
. Suppose the statement is true if m is replaced by m-1. The sets Bj=⋂i≠jAi are non-empty by inductive hypothesis. Pick a point pj from each of Bj. By Radon’s lemma, there is a partition of p’s into two sets P1 and P2 such that I=(convP1)∩(convP2)≠∅. For every Aj either every point in P1 belongs to Aj or every point in P2 belongs to Aj. Hence I⊆Aj for every j.