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if A is convex and f linear then f(A) and f-1(A) are convex

Proposition 1.

Suppose X, Y are vector spacesMathworldPlanetmath over R (or C), and suppose f:XY is a linear map.

  1. 1.

    If AX is convex, then f(A) is convex.

  2. 2.

    If BY is convex, then f-1(B) is convex, where f-1 is the inverse image.


For the first claim, suppose y,yf(A), say, y=f(x) and y=f(x) for x,xA, and suppose λ(0,1). Then

λy+(1-λ)y = λf(x)+(1-λ)f(x)
= f(λx+(1-λ)x),

so λy+(1-λ)yf(A) as A is convex.

For the second claim, let us first recall that xf-1(B) if and only if f(x)B. Then, if x,xf-1(B), and λ(0,1), we have

f(λx+(1-λ)x) = λf(x)+(1-λ)f(x).

As B is convex, the right hand side belongs to B, and λx+(1-λ)xf-1(B). ∎

Title if A is convex and f linear then f(A) and f-1(A) are convex
Canonical name IfAIsConvexAndFLinearThenFAAndF1AAreConvex
Date of creation 2013-03-22 14:36:18
Last modified on 2013-03-22 14:36:18
Owner matte (1858)
Last modified by matte (1858)
Numerical id 8
Author matte (1858)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 52A99
Related topic InverseImage
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