Martin’s axiom and the continuum hypothesis
MAℵ0 always holds
Given a countable collection
of dense subsets of a partial order
, we can selected a set ⟨pn⟩n<ω such that pn is in the n-th dense subset, and pn+1≤pn for each n. Therefore CH implies MA.
If MAκ then 2ℵ0>κ, and in fact 2κ=2ℵ0
κ≥ℵ0, so 2κ≥2ℵ0, hence it will suffice to find an surjective function from P(ℵ0) to P(κ).
Let A=⟨Aα⟩α<κ, a sequence of infinite subsets of ω such that for any α≠β, Aα∩Aβ is finite.
Given any subset S⊆κ we will construct a function f:ω→{0,1} such that a unique S can be recovered from each f. f will have the property that if i∈S then f(a)=0 for finitely many elements a∈Ai, and if i∉S then f(a)=0 for infinitely many elements of Ai.
Let P be the partial order (under inclusion) such that each element p∈P satisfies:
p is a partial function
from ω to {0,1}
There exist i1,…,in∈S such that for each j<n, Aij⊆dom(p)
There is a finite subset of ω, wp, such that wp=dom(p)-⋃j<nAij
For each j<n, p(a)=0 for finitely many elements of Aij
This satisfies ccc. To see this, consider any uncountable sequence S=⟨pα⟩α<ω1 of elements of P. There are only countably many finite subsets of ω, so there is some w⊆ω such that w=wp for uncountably many p∈S and p↾w is the same for each such element. Since each of these function’s domain covers only a finite number of the Aα, and is 1 on all but a finite number of elements in each, there are only a countable number of different combinations available, and therefore two of them are compatible.
Consider the following groups of dense subsets:
Dn={p∈P∣n∈dom(p)} for n<ω. This is obviously dense since any p not already in Dn can be extended to one which is by adding ⟨n,1⟩
Dα={p∈P∣dom(p)⊇Aα} for α∈S. This is dense since if p∉Dα then p∪{⟨a,1⟩∣a∈Aα∖dom(p)} is.
For each α∉S, n<ω, Dn,α={p∈P∣m≥n∧p(m)=0} for some m<ω. This is dense since if p∉Dn,α then dom(p)∩Aα=Aα∩(wp∪⋃jAij). But wp is finite, and the intersection
of Aα with any other Ai is finite, so this intersection is finite, and hence bounded by some m. Aα is infinite, so there is some m≤x∈Aα. So p∪{⟨x,0⟩}∈Dn,α.
By MAκ, given any set of κ dense subsets of P, there is a generic G which intersects all of them. There are a total of ℵ0+|S|+(κ-|S|)⋅ℵ0=κ dense subsets in these three groups, and hence some generic G intersecting all of them. Since G is directed, g=⋃G is a partial function from ω to {0,1}. Since for each n<ω, G∩Dn is non-empty, n∈dom(g), so g is a total function. Since G∩Dα for α∈S is non-empty, there is some element of G whose domain contains all of Aα and is 0 on a finite number of them, hence g(a)=0 for a finite number of a∈Aα. Finally, since G∩Dn,α for each n<ω, α∉S, the set of n∈Aα such that g(n)=0 is unbounded, and hence infinite. So g is as promised, and 2κ=2ℵ0.
Title | Martin’s axiom and the continuum hypothesis![]() |
Canonical name | MartinsAxiomAndTheContinuumHypothesis |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:55:05 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:55:05 |
Owner | Henry (455) |
Last modified by | Henry (455) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | Henry (455) |
Entry type | Result |
Classification | msc 03E50 |