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maximal matching/minimal edge covering theorem


Let G be a graph. If M is a matching on G, and C is an edge covering for G, then |M||C|.


Consider an arbitrary matching M on G and an arbitrary edge covering C on G. We will attempt to construct a one-to-one function f:MC.

Consider some edge eM. At least one of the vertices that e joins must be in C, because C is an edge covering and hence every edge is incidentPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath with some vertex in C. Call this vertex ve, and let f(e)=ve.

Now we will show that f one-to-one. Suppose we have two edges e1,e2M where f(e1)=f(e2)=v. By the definition of f, e1 and e2 must both be incident with v. Since M is a matching, however, no more than one edge in M can be incident with any given vertex in G. Therefore e1=e2, so f is one-to-one.

Hence we now have that |M||C|.


Let G be a graph. Let M and C be a matching and an edge covering on G, respectively. If |M|=|C|, then M is a maximal matching and C is a minimal edge covering.


Suppose M is not a maximal matching. Then, by definition, there exists another matching M where |M|<|M|. But then |M|>|C|, which violates the above theorem.

Likewise, suppose C is not a minimal edge covering. Then, by definition, there exists another covering C where |C|<|C|. But then |C|<|M|, which violates the above theorem.

Title maximal matching/minimal edge covering theorem
Canonical name MaximalMatchingminimalEdgeCoveringTheorem
Date of creation 2013-03-22 12:40:05
Last modified on 2013-03-22 12:40:05
Owner mps (409)
Last modified by mps (409)
Numerical id 7
Author mps (409)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 05C70
Related topic MaximumFlowminimumCutTheorem
Related topic Matching