mean square convergence of the sample mean of a stationary process

If {Xt,tT} is a stationary process with mean μ and autocovariance function γ(), then as n we have the following:

  • var[X¯n]=E[(X¯n-μ)2]0 if γ(n)0

  • nE[(X¯n-μ)2]h=-γ(h) if h=-|γ(h)|< where


    is the sample meanMathworldPlanetmath which is a natural unbiased estimatorMathworldPlanetmath of the mean μ of the stationary process {Xt}.


  • 1 Peter J. Brockwell G., Richard A. Davis , Time Series :Theory and Methods.
Title mean square convergence of the sample mean of a stationary process
Canonical name MeanSquareConvergenceOfTheSampleMeanOfAStationaryProcess
Date of creation 2013-03-22 15:20:52
Last modified on 2013-03-22 15:20:52
Owner georgiosl (7242)
Last modified by georgiosl (7242)
Numerical id 5
Author georgiosl (7242)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 60G10