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N-Topological Spaces

N-Topological Spaces

A non-empty set X equipped with N arbitrary topologies 𝔍1,𝔍2,….., 𝔍N is called an N-topological space and denoted by (X,𝔍1,..,𝔍N).
Reference: Khan, K. A., On the possibility of N-topological spaces, International Journal of Mathematical Archive (IJMA) 3 (2012), No.7, 2520-2523

Title N-Topological Spaces
Canonical name NTopologicalSpaces
Date of creation 2013-06-15 11:20:55
Last modified on 2013-06-15 11:20:55
Owner kamranmetric (1000391)
Last modified by kamranmetric (1000391)
Numerical id 1
Author kamranmetric (1000391)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 54A10