is a distribution of first order
(Following [1, 2].)
Let . Then for
some . For any , is Lebesgue integrable
in . Thus, by a change of variable, we have
Now it is clear that the integrand is continuous for all .
What is more, the integrand approaches for , so the
integrand has a removable discontinuity at . That is, by assigning the value
to the integrand at , the integrand becomes continuous in .
This means that the integrand is Lebesgue measurable on .
Then, by defining
(where is the characteristic function
), and
applying the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem
, we have
It follows that is finite, i.e., takes values in . Since is a vector space, if follows easily from the above expression that is linear.
To prove that is continuous, we shall use condition (3) on this page ( For this, suppose is a compact subset of and . Again, we can assume that for some . For , we have
where is the supremum norm. In the first equality we have used the
fundamental theorem of calculus for the Lebesgue integral (valid since
is absolutely continuous
on ). Thus
and is a distribution of first order ( as claimed.
M. Reed, B. Simon,
Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics: Functional Analysis
I, Revised and enlarged edition, Academic Press, 1980.
- 2 S. Igari, Real analysis - With an introduction to Wavelet Theory, American Mathematical Society, 1998.
Title | is a distribution of first order |
Canonical name | operatornamepvfrac1xIsADistributionOfFirstOrder |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:46:07 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:46:07 |
Owner | Koro (127) |
Last modified by | Koro (127) |
Numerical id | 7 |
Author | Koro (127) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 46F05 |
Classification | msc 46-00 |