Poincaré lemma
The Poincaré lemma states that every closed differential form is locally exact (http://planetmath.org/ExactDifferentialForm).
(Poincaré Lemma)
[1] Suppose X is a smooth
manifold, Ωk(X) is the set of smooth differential
k-forms on X, and suppose ω is a closed form
in Ωk(X) for some k>0.
Then for every x∈X there is a neighbourhood U⊂X, and a (k-1)-form η∈Ωk-1(U), such that
dη=ι∗ω, where ι is the inclusion ι:U↪X.
If X is contractible, this η exists globally; there exists a (k-1)-form η∈Ωk-1(X) such that
Despite the name, the Poincaré lemma is an extremely important result. For instance, in algebraic topology, the definition of the kth de Rham cohomology group
Hk(X)=Ker{d:Ωk(X)→Ωk+1(X)}Im{d:Ωk-1(X)→Ωk(X)} |
can be seen as a measure of the degree in which the Poincaré lemma fails.
If Hk(X)=0, then every k form is exact, but if Hk(X) is non-zero, then
X has a non-trivial topology (or “holes”) such that k-forms are not
globally exact. For instance, in X=ℝ2∖{0} with polar coordinates (r,ϕ),
the 1-form ω=dϕ is not globally exact.
- 1 L. Conlon, Differentiable Manifolds: A first course, Birkhäuser, 1993.
Title | Poincaré lemma |
Canonical name | PoincareLemma |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:06:28 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:06:28 |
Owner | matte (1858) |
Last modified by | matte (1858) |
Numerical id | 12 |
Author | matte (1858) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 53-00 |
Related topic | ExactDifferentialForm |
Related topic | ClosedDifferentialFormsOnASimpleConnectedDomain |
Related topic | LaminarField |