proof of Darboux’s theorem (symplectic geometry)
We first observe that it suffices to prove the theorem for symplectic
forms defined on an open neighbourhood of 0∈ℝ2n.
Indeed, if we have a symplectic manifold (M,η), and a point
x0, we can take a (smooth) coordinate chart about x0. We can then
use the coordinate
function to push η forward to a symplectic form
ω on a neighbourhood of 0 in ℝ2n. If the result holds on ℝ2n,
we can compose the coordinate chart with the resulting symplectomorphism to
get the theorem in general.
Let ω0=∑ni=1dxi∧dyi. Our goal is then to find a (local) diffeomorphism Ψ so that Ψ(0)=0 and Ψ*ω0=ω.
Now, we recall that ω is a non–degenerate two–form. Thus, on
T0ℝ2n, it is a non–degenerate anti–symmetric bilinear form. By a linear change of basis, it can be put in the standard form. So, we
may assume that ω(0)=ω0(0).
We will now proceed by the “Moser trick”. Our goal is to find a
diffeomorphism Ψ so that Ψ(0)=0 and Ψ*ω=ω0.
We will obtain this diffeomorphism as the time–1 map of the
flow of an ordinary differential equation. We will see this as the
result of a deformation of ω0.
Let ωt=tω0+(1-t)ω. Let Ψt be the time t map of the differential equation
ddtΨt(x)=Xt(Ψt(x)) |
in which Xt is a vector field determined by a condition to be stated later.
We will make the ansatz
Ψ*tω=ωt. |
Now, we differentiate this :
0=ddtΨ*tωt=Ψ*t(LXtωt+ddtωt). |
(LXtωt denotes the Lie derivative of ωt with respect
to the vector field Xt.)
By applying Cartan’s identity and recalling that ω is closed, we obtain :
0=Ψ*t(dιXtωt+ω-ω0) |
Now, ω-ω0 is closed, and hence, by Poincaré’s Lemma, locally exact. So, we can write ω-ω0=-dλ.
0=Ψ*t(d(iXtωt-λ)) |
We want to require then
iXtωt=λ. |
Now, we observe that ω0=ω at 0, so ωt=ω0 at 0. Then, as ω0 is non–degenerate, ωt will be non–degenerate on an open neighbourhood of 0. Thus, on this neighbourhood, we may use this to define Xt (uniquely!).
We also observe that Xt(0)=0. Thus, by choosing a sufficiently small neighbourhood of 0, the flow of Xt will be defined for time greater than 1.
All that remains now is to check that this resulting flow has the desired properties. This follows merely by reading our of the ODE, backwards.
Title | proof of Darboux’s theorem (symplectic geometry) |
Canonical name | ProofOfDarbouxsTheoremsymplecticGeometry |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:09:55 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:09:55 |
Owner | rspuzio (6075) |
Last modified by | rspuzio (6075) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | rspuzio (6075) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 53D05 |