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proof of Möbius circle transformation theorem

Case 1: f(z)=az+b.

Case 1a: The points on |z-C|=R can be written as z=C+Reiθ. They are mapped to the points w=aC+b+aReiθ which all lie on the circle |w-(aC+b)|=|a|R.

Case 1b: The line Re(eiθz)=k are mapped to the line Re(eiθwa)=k+Re(ba).

Case 2: f(z)=1z.

Case 2a: Consider a circle passing through the origin. This can be written as |z-C|=|C|. This circle is mapped to the line Re(Cw)=12 which does not pass through the origin. To show this, write z=C+|C|eiθ. w=1z=1C+|C|eiθ.


Case 2b: Consider the line which does not pass through the origin. This can be written as Re(az)=1 for a0. Then az+¯az=2 which is mapped to aw+ˉaˉw=2. This is simplified as aˉw+ˉaw=2wˉw which becomes (w-a/2)(ˉw-ˉa/2)=aˉa/4 or |w-a2|=|a|2 which is a circle passing through the origin.

Case 2c: Consider a circle which does not pass through the origin. This can be written as |z-C|=R with |C|R. This circle is mapped to the circle


which is another circle not passing through the origin. To show this, we will demonstrate that




Case 2d: Consider a line passing through the origin. This can be written as Re(eiθz)=0. This is mapped to the set Re(eiθw)=0, which can be rewritten as Re(eiθˉw)=0 or Re(we-iθ)=0 which is another line passing through the origin.

Case 3: An arbitrary Mobius transformationMathworldPlanetmath can be written as f(z)=az+bcz+d. If c=0, this falls into Case 1, so we will assume that c0. Let


Then f=f3f2f1. By Case 1, f1 and f3 map circles to circles and by Case 2, f2 maps circles to circles.

Title proof of Möbius circle transformation theorem
Canonical name ProofOfMobiusCircleTransformationTheorem
Date of creation 2013-03-22 13:38:00
Last modified on 2013-03-22 13:38:00
Owner brianbirgen (2180)
Last modified by brianbirgen (2180)
Numerical id 5
Author brianbirgen (2180)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 30E20