proof of properties of extreme subsets of a closed convex set

For the first claim, it is obvious that iIAi is closed convex subset ( of K. Let zA and 0<t<1, x,yK such as z=tx+(1-t)y. Then zAi, for all iI so we have that x,yAi for all iI. Therefore x,yiIAi.
For the second claim suppose x,yK, t(0,1) and zA such as z=tx+(1-t)y. From the hypothesis AB we have that zB and since B is an extreme subset of K, x,yB. Analogously from the hypothesis that A is an extreme subset of B, we have that x,yA.

Title proof of properties of extreme subsets of a closed convex set
Canonical name ProofOfPropertiesOfExtremeSubsetsOfAClosedConvexSet
Date of creation 2013-03-22 15:25:12
Last modified on 2013-03-22 15:25:12
Owner georgiosl (7242)
Last modified by georgiosl (7242)
Numerical id 4
Author georgiosl (7242)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 52A99