proof of properties of the closure operator

Recall that the closureMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath of a set A in a topological spaceMathworldPlanetmath X is defined to be the intersectionMathworldPlanetmath of all closed setsPlanetmathPlanetmath containing it.


: By definition

A¯=CA,C closedC,

but since for every C we have AC, we immediately find

ACA,C closedC.
A¯ is closed

: Recall that the intersection of any number of closed sets is closed, so the closure is itself closed.

¯=, X¯=X, and A¯¯=A¯

: If C is any closed set, then

C¯=CC,C closedC=CCC,C closedC=C.

: First write down the definition:

A¯B¯ =CA,C closedCDB,D closedD,
then apply DeMorgan’s law to get
=CA,DB,C,D closed(CD),
but for every such pair C, D, we have that E=CD is a closed set containing AB. Conversely, every closed set E containing AB is obtained from such a pair — just take (E,E) to be the pair. Thus
=EAB,E closed(E)


A¯B¯ =CA,C closedCDB,D closedD,
=CA,DB,C,D closed(CD),
but for every such pair C, D, we have that E=CD is a closed set containing AB. However, some closed sets may not arise in this way, so we do not have equality. Thus
EAB,E closed(E)

so we have

A¯=AA where A is the set of all limit pointsPlanetmathPlanetmath of A

: Let a be a limit point of A, and let C be a closed set containing A. If a is not in C, then XC is an open set containing a but not meeting C, which implies that XC does not meet A, which contradicts the fact that a was a limit point of A. Conversely, suppose that a is not a limit point of A, and that a is not in A. Then there is some open neighborhood U of a which does not meet A. But then XU is a closed set containing A but not containing a, so aA¯.

Title proof of properties of the closure operator
Canonical name ProofOfPropertiesOfTheClosureOperator
Date of creation 2013-03-22 14:12:19
Last modified on 2013-03-22 14:12:19
Owner archibal (4430)
Last modified by archibal (4430)
Numerical id 4
Author archibal (4430)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 54A99