proof of Simpson’s rule
We want to derive Simpson’s rule for
∫baf(x)𝑑x. |
We will use Newton and Cotes formulas for n=2. In this case, x0=a, x2=b and x1=(a+b)/2. We use Lagrange’s interpolation formula to get a polynomial p(x) such that p(xj)=f(xj) for j=0,1,2.
The corresponding interpolating polynomial is
p(x)=f(x1)(x-x2)(x-x3)(x1-x2)(x1-x3)+f(x2)(x-x1)(x-x3)(x2-x1)(x2-x3)+f(x3)(x-x1)(x-x2)(x3-x1)(x3-x2). |
and thus
∫baf(x)𝑑x≈∫baf(x1)(x-x2)(x-x3)(x1-x2)(x1-x3)+f(x2)(x-x1)(x-x3)(x2-x1)(x2-x3)+f(x3)(x-x1)(x-x2)(x3-x1)(x3-x2)dx. |
Since integration is linear, we are concerned only with integrating each term in the sum. Now, taking xj=a+hj where j=0,1,2 and h=|b-a|/2, we can rewrite the quotients on the last integral as
∫bap(x)𝑑x=hf(x0)∫20(t-1)(t-2)(0-1)(0-2)𝑑t+hf(x1)∫20(t-0)(t-2)(1-0)(1-2)𝑑t+hf(x2)∫20(t-0)(t-1)(2-0)(2-1)𝑑t. |
and if we calculate the integrals on the last expression we get
∫bap(x)𝑑x=hf(x0)13+hf(x1)43+hf(x2)13, |
which is Simpson’s rule:
∫baf(x)𝑑x≈h3(f(x0)+4f(x1)+f(x2)). |
Title | proof of Simpson’s rule |
Canonical name | ProofOfSimpsonsRule |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:50:25 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:50:25 |
Owner | drini (3) |
Last modified by | drini (3) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | drini (3) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 65D32 |
Classification | msc 41A55 |
Classification | msc 26A06 |
Classification | msc 28-00 |