proof of Steiner’s theorem

Using α,β,γ,δ to denote angles as in the diagram at left, the sines law yields

ABsin(γ) = ACsin(β) (1)
NBsin(α+δ) = NAsin(β) (2)
MCsin(α+δ) = MAsin(γ) (3)
MBsin(α) = MAsin(β) (4)
NCsin(α) = NAsin(γ) (5)

Dividing (2) and (3), and (4) by (5):


and therefore


by (1).

Title proof of Steiner’s theorem
Canonical name ProofOfSteinersTheorem
Date of creation 2013-03-22 13:48:06
Last modified on 2013-03-22 13:48:06
Owner mathcam (2727)
Last modified by mathcam (2727)
Numerical id 5
Author mathcam (2727)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 51N20