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proof of when is a point inside a triangle

Let 𝐮2, 𝐯2 and 𝟎2. Let’s consider the convex hull of the set T={𝐮,𝐯,𝟎}. By definition, the convex hull of T, noted coT, is the smallest convex set that contains T. Now, the triangleMathworldPlanetmath ΔT spanned by T is convex and contains T. Then coTΔT. Now, every convex C set containing T must satisfy that t𝐮+(1-t)𝐯C, t𝐮C and t𝐯C for 0t1 (at least the convex combination of the points of T are contained in C). This means that the boundary of ΔT is contained in C. But then every convex combination of points of ΔT must also be contained in C, meaning that ΔTC for every convex set containing T. In particular, ΔTcoT.

Since the convex hull is exactly the set containing all convex combinations of points of T,


we conclude that 𝐱2 is in the triangle spanned by T if and only if 𝐱=λ𝐮+μ𝐯 with 0λ,μ,1 and 0λ+μ1.

Title proof of when is a point inside a triangle
Canonical name ProofOfWhenIsAPointInsideATriangle
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:57:08
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:57:08
Owner joen235 (18354)
Last modified by joen235 (18354)
Numerical id 4
Author joen235 (18354)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 51-00