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proof that C and C are consequence operators

The proof that the operators C and C defined in the second example of section 3 of the parent entry ( are consequence operators is a relatively straightforward matter of checking that they satisfy the defining properties given there. For convenience, those definitions are reproduced here.

Definition 1.

Given a set L and two elements, X and Y, of this set, the function C(X,Y):P(L)P(L) is defined as follows:

Theorem 1.

For every choice of two elements, X and Y, of a given set L, the function C(X,Y) is a consequence operator.


Property 1: Since Z is a subset of itself and of XZ, it follows that ZC(X,Y)(Z) in either case.

Property 2: We consider two cases. If YZ=, then C(X,Y)(Z)=Z, so


If YZ, then

YC(X,Y)(Z) = Y(XZ)
= (YX)(YZ).

Again, since YZ, we also have (YX)(YZ), so

C(X,Y)(C(X,Y)(Z)) = XC(X,Y)(Z)
= X(XZ)
= XZ
= C(X,Y)(Z)

So, in both cases, we find that


Property 3: Suppose that Z and W are subsets of L and that Z is a subset of W. Then there are three possibilities:

1. YZ= and YW=

In this case, we have C(X,Y)(Z)=Z and C(X,Y)(W)=W, so C(X,Y)(Z)C(X,Y)(W).

2. YZ= but YW

In this case, C(X,Y)(Z)=Z and C(X,Y)(W)=XW. Since ZW implies ZXW, we have C(X,Y)(Z)C(X,Y)(W).

3. YZ and YW

In this case, C(X,Y)(Z)=XZ and C(X,Y)(W)=XW. Since ZW implies XZXW, we have C(X,Y)(Z)C(X,Y)(W).

Definition 2.

Given a set L and two elements, X and Y, of this set, the function C(X,Y):P(L)P(L) is defined as follows:

Theorem 2.

For every choice of two elements, X and Y, of a given set L, the function C(X,Y) is a consequence operator.


Property 1: Since Z is a subset of itself and of XZ, it follows that ZC(X,Y)(Z) in either case.

Property 2: We consider two cases. If C(X,Y)(Z)=Z, then


If C(X,Y)(Z)=XZ, then we note that, because X(XZ)=XZ, we must have C(X,Y)(XZ)=XZ whether or not Y(XZ)=XZ, so


Property 3: Suppose that Z and W are subsets of L and that Z is a subset of W. Then there are three possibilities:

1. YZ=Z and YW=W

In this case, we have C(X,Y)(Z)=XZ and C(X,Y)(W)=XW. Since ZW implies XZXW, we have C(X,Y)(Z)C(X,Y)(W).

2. YZZ but YW=W

In this case, C(X,Y)(Z)=Z and C(X,Y)(W)=XW. Since ZW implies ZXW, we have C(X,Y)(Z)C(X,Y)(W).

3. YZZ and YWW

In this case, C(X,Y)(Z)=Z and C(X,Y)(W)=W, so C(X,Y)(Z)C(X,Y)(W). ∎

Title proof that C and C are consequence operators
Canonical name ProofThatCcupAndCcapAreConsequenceOperators
Date of creation 2013-03-22 16:29:41
Last modified on 2013-03-22 16:29:41
Owner rspuzio (6075)
Last modified by rspuzio (6075)
Numerical id 21
Author rspuzio (6075)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 03G25
Classification msc 03G10
Classification msc 03B22