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rigorous definition of the logarithm

In this entry, we shall construct the logarithm as a Dedekind cut and then demonstrate some of its basic properties. All that is required in the way of background material are the properties of integer powers of real numbers.

Theorem 1.

Suppose that a,b,c,d are positive integers such that a/b=c/d and that x>0 and y>0 are real numbers. Then xayb if and only if xcyd.


Cross multiplying, the condition a/b=c/d is equivalentMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath to ad=bc. By elementary properties of powers, xayb if and only if xadybd. Likewise, xcxd if and only if xbcybd which, since bc=ad, is equivalent to xadybd. Hence, xayb if and only if xcxd. ∎

Theorem 2.

Suppose that a,b,c,d are positive integers such that a/bc/d and that x>1 and y>0 are real numbers. If xcyd then xayb.


Since we assumed that b>0, we have that xcyd is equivalent to xbcybd. Likewise, since d>0, we have that xayb is equivalent to xadybd. Cross-multiplying, a/bc/d is equivalent to adbc. Since x>1, we have xadxbc. Combining the above statements, we conclude that xcyd implies xayb. ∎

Theorem 3.

Suppose that a,b,c,d are positive integers such that a/b>c/d and that x>1 and y>0 are real numbers. If xa>yb then xc>yd.


Since we assumed that b>0, we have that xc>yd is equivalent to xbc>ybd. Likewise, since d>0, we have that xa>yb is equivalent to xad>ybd. Cross-multiplying, a/b>c/d is equivalent to ad>bc. Since x>1, we have xad>xbc. Combining the above statements, we conclude that xc>yd implies xa>yb. ∎

Theorem 4.

Let x>1 and y be real numbers. Then there exists an integer n such that xn>y.


Write x=1+h. Then we have (1+h)n1+nh for all positive integers n. This fact is easily proved by inductionMathworldPlanetmath. When n=1, it reduces to the triviality 1+hh. If (1+h)n1+nh, then


By the Archimedean property, there exists an integer n such that 1+nh>y, so xn>y. ∎

Theorem 5.

Let x>1 and y be real numbers. Then the pair of sets (L,U) where

L ={r(a,b) (1)
U ={r(a,b)b>0r=a/bxa>yb} (2)

forms a Dedekind cut.


Let r be any rational numberPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath. Then we have r=a/b for some integers a and b such that b>0. The possibilities xayb and xa>yb are exhaustive so r must belong to at least one of U and L. By theorem 1, it cannot belong to both. By theorem 2, if rL and sr, then sL as well. By theorem 3, if rU and s>r, then sU as well. By theorem 4, neither L nor U are empty. Hence, (L,U) is a Dedekind cut and defines a real number. ∎

Definition 1.

Suppose x>1 and y>0 are real numbers. Then, we define logxy to be the real number defined by the cut (L,U) of the above theorem.

Title rigorous definition of the logarithm
Canonical name RigorousDefinitionOfTheLogarithm
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:00:37
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:00:37
Owner rspuzio (6075)
Last modified by rspuzio (6075)
Numerical id 18
Author rspuzio (6075)
Entry type Derivation
Classification msc 26A06
Classification msc 26A09
Classification msc 26-00