RMS Value of the Fourier Series

RMS Value of the Fourier Series Swapnil Sunil Jain December 28, 2006

RMS Value of the Fourier Series

If a function f(t) is given by its Fourier series i.e.

f(t) = a02+k=1[akcos(kωt)+bksin(kωt)]

The RMS value Frms of f(t) is

Frms = a024+12k=1ak2+bk2


The RMS value of a function f(t) is, by definition, given by

Frms = 1Tt0t0+T[f(t)]2𝑑t


Frms =1Tt0t0+T[f(t)]2𝑑t
Title RMS Value of the Fourier Series
Canonical name RMSValueOfTheFourierSeries1
Date of creation 2013-03-11 19:30:56
Last modified on 2013-03-11 19:30:56
Owner swapnizzle (13346)
Last modified by (0)
Numerical id 1
Author swapnizzle (0)
Entry type Definition